ObamaCare stands in the way of jobs

By Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.)

For healthcare reform to work, it must give consumers control over their costs and over their coverage. Unfortunately, ObamaCare does just the opposite. It takes away patient choice and drives up the cost of healthcare. A new report from Kaiser says a typical employer-based health insurance premium has increased by 9 percent in just the past year, with that cost projected to double over the next decade. The government’s own actuary for Medicare and Medicaid says that in 2014, premiums will rise by 10 percent more than they would have without ObamaCare.


The pillars of Obamacare are crumbling

Recently, the Obama administration tried to sweep under the rug the news that a major program in its health care takeover has failed. The Community Living Assistance Services and Support (CLASS) Act, a long-term care program that was touted for its billions in savings, was shelved indefinitely by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius last week. In a letter to Congress, Sebelius said, “I do not see a viable path forward for CLASS implementation at this time.” I am happy to welcome Ms. Sebelius to the party. However, she is late, as usual.


CLASS Act dismissed

Long-term care insurance scheme was doomed from day one

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Friday called a halt to the implementation of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) longer-term insurance program, saying there is no “viable path forward … at this time.” That means a key component of Obamacare is dead. True to form, however, the White House is doubling down, insisting that the CLASS program must be preserved. Congress needs to make sure that never happens so this scheme remains buried.